Conceptual stage of the project presents the largest opportunity in project development phases to optimize investment cost and business strategy.
Approaching business profitability from various perspectives, TVC offers high-quality conceptual study, pre-feasibility study and detailed feasibility study services to assist clients in achieving business strategy and maximizing profits, while coping with project-specific constraints.
With vast experience world-wide in various fields for 20 years, TVC is well-equipped to provide services in:
TVC is ready to work closely with clients from initial stage of project conception to commercially feasible plants to bring client’s business plan to fruition.
Basic Design
The first step in making a preliminary plant design to establish a detailed commercial plant design is to work out a process design. Process system design is a fundamental of the plant design.
At early stage of Basic Engineering, the Plant Specification should be decided such as: Site condition, Plant scheme (capacity), codes and standards, Feed stock specification, product specification, battery limit condition and utilities… Based on these conditions, process design is formulated and accomplished of the Kinetics of all types of reactions and individual unit operations such as drying, distillation, separation, absorption and so on.
These process designs are integrated and illustrated in Piping and Instrument Flow Diagram (P&ID) which is a fundamental of the detailed engineering, project implementation, construction and operation.
As for equipment, basic design is integrated in the equipment specification sheet. Making of a Plot Plan which indicates the location of each unit is one of the important jobs in the basic engineering stage.
All basic design worked out in this phase are used as the basis for carrying out the succeeding phases of detailed engineering.
Front-end loading (FEL), also referred to as pre-project planning (PPP), front-end engineering design (FEED), feasibility analysis, conceptual planning, programming/schematic design and early project planning, is the process for conceptual development. This involves developing sufficient strategic information with which owners can address risk and make decisions to commit resources in order to maximize the potential for success.
Front-end loading includes robust planning and design early in a project’s lifecycle (i.e., the front end of a project), at a time when the ability to influence changes in design is relatively high and the cost to make those changes is relatively low. Though it often adds a small amount of time and cost to the early portion of a project, these costs are minor compared to the alternative of the costs and effort required to make changes at a later stage in the project.
It also typically uses a stage-gate process, whereby a project must pass through formal gates at well-defined milestones within the project’s life cycle before receiving funding to proceed to the next stage of work.
Project and construction management are crucial important factors for success...
For any construction project, permitting is very important and critical...
Engineering services include conceptual design, basic design, front-end...
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